This section is a new feature for our market! It’s still in preview mode but we’d love to start collecting your recipes using local foods!


Recipes in Season (0)

Moroccan Bulgur with Greens

I stumbled upon this when we first joined the Sauvie Island Organics CSA in Portland, Oregon. Their featured chef is a locavore, Katherine Duemling, who teaches a series of quick classes based on the premise that we should cook with what you have.
I quickly became a convert to Katherine’s way of cooking and, while I still pull out many of her suggestions, (my husband claims her Caesar dressing is the best ever!)I’m learning to create and modify recipes based on what’s on hand. The bulgur recipe following is one of my all-time favorites. While it seems a cool-weather meal, I find it very refreshing in warm weather.
Side bar: I’ve found harissa, a spicy African condiment, locally, at Whole Foods or, for the hardcore ‘everything from scratch’ cook, recipes are available at or Happy eating!

Source: Adapted from (Entered by Kathleen Kjos)
Serves: 3 - 4

1 lg onion, finely diced
3 - 4 cloves garlic, minced
1 bunch swiss chard, de-stemmed and chopped
1 1/2 c bulgur
3 T olive oil
2 - 3 t harissa (to taste)
1/4 t pepper
1 t kosher salt
3/4 c water
1 each lemon, juiced

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Combine all but lemon juice in a deep, heavy, lidded pot (cast iron works well). Mix all with a spoon or your hands. Add 1/2 c water and mix thoroughly.
  2. Take several paper towels and lay them over the bulgur mixture, tucking them gently around the edges. Cover pot and cook over very low heat for an hour or so. Resist the temptation to lift the lid and check as the steam is what cooks the bulgur.
  3. When finished, (the bulgur is tender) remove paper towels and season to taste with salt and or harissa. Squeeze a lemon over the finished bulgur and top with additional harissa if desired and/or Greek yogurt (to tame the harissa's heat.) If you're looking to add more protein, top with a poached or fried egg, one of my favorite sources of protein!


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