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Coconut Curry Greens

One of my favorite ways to eat turnip and collard greens.

Source: America's Test Kitchen (Entered by Arkansas Local Food Network)
Serves: Um?

Greens, Turnip      View Available Products
Greens, Collard      View Available Products
Coconut Milk

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Wash and pick a couple pounds of greens Sautee a diced onion in the oil of your choice (virgin coconut oil is a great choice here) Add 1 tsp salt When the onion is golden brown, add a few cloves of minced garlic After one minute, add 1 tsp curry powder (some folks may wantto adjustthis up, or add cayenne for more ooomph) Deglaze with one can full-fat coconut milk Add greens and cook for 30 min or so


Comments added by fellow market members.

Always looking for a new way to prepare things. This is a great recipe. I will admit I wasn't sure just looking at the ingredients. It could be used for other types of greens as well. It was great with some locally grown grilled pork chops and baked sweet potatoes. Will definitely make this again!

Always looking for a new way to prepare things. This is a great recipe. I will admit I wasn't sure just looking at the ingredients. It could be used for other types of greens as well. It was great with some locally grown grilled pork chops and baked sweet potatoes. Will definitely make this again!