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Savory Sunshine Squash Soup

I wanted something to do with leftover roasted Sunshine Squash, which is delicious on its own, but 1 squash makes a lot for a single person. I looked up various savory squash recipes and borrowed a little from several places. This is my latest version. It is very versatile based on what you have on hand. You can add white wine, cream, half and half, your favorite cheese, leftover cooked veggies, roasted celery, a roasted apple or two, etc.

There are wonderful-looking recipes for sweet Sunshine Soup on the web.

Source: Foodtv, Martha Stewart, others (Entered by Sandy Haden)
Servings: 6-8 servings
Ingredient keywords: squash, onion, peppers, garlic, carrots, sage, olive, butter, broth, salt, croutons
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