Armstead Mtn. Farm
USDA Certified Organic
This grower has a photo album.
Armstead Mtn. Farm is located in the Ozark Mountains of northeast Pope Co. The farm consists of 80 acres totally surrounded by the Ozark National Forest. The farm had been idle for 35 years when we purchased it in 1972. Since that time, we have never used any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides on our crops. We were Certified Organic from the late 1980’s until the USDA took over certification in late 2002. In 2011 we decided to jump through all the necessary hoops and become USDA Certified Organic again, being certified by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (Arkansas has no certification program). We enrich and build our soil with compost, cover crops, mulch, rock dust, and other natural fertilizers and minerals. We have approximately 4-5 acres in cultivation and 5600 sq. ft. of unheated greenhouse space. We mainly irrigate from 2 ponds with some use of well water. We have a walk-in cooler for proper post harvest handling. We are full time farmers and produce a wide variety of spring, summer, and fall vegetables. We begin selling our produce in May and usually continue through Nov. In the past, we sold our produce on the organic wholesale market and then we sold at the Little Rock River Market for 9 years. We are now selling to restaurants, a few select stores, ASN buying club in Little Rock, and Conway Locally Grown Buying Club.