Kornegay Berry Farm
Website: kornegayberryfarm.com
This grower uses synthetic fertilizers and/or pesticides.
Kornegay Farms
Kornegay Farms is a family operated berry farm in its 9th year of operation located in Pine Bluff, AR. We try to minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticide as much as possible to bring you the healthiest fruits and vegetables. The farms berries consist of blackberries, blueberries, muscadine, and strawberries. We offer other crops such as squash, peppers (bell pepper, salsa, jalapeno, and Pablono), corn, potatoes( red and sweet),watermelon, cantelopes, okra and our famous Bradley tomatoes. These Bradley tomatoes have been in the family for over 60 years. The seeds are harvested yearly for the next year’s crops. Shellia Kornegay grew up in Warren, “Tomato Country”, therefore preserving the original Bradley tomato is a passion. Jams and jellies are prepared with the many fruits from the farm by Shellia Kornegay in a health dept approved kitchen. The jams include Blackberry, blueberry, strawberry fig, peach, peach fig. The jelly offered is Muscadine jelly. Other goodies include chow-chow, salsa and honey. The honey is directly from the honey bees on the farm. These honey bees are greatly needed to pollinate the many berries on the farm and produce a rich delicious honey that words can’t describe. This is our 6th ASN market and also participate in Dogtown farmers market. We love it! We appreciate all the support from the local consumers and district. We would love to visit with you at the Dogtown farmers market on Saturdays from 7-12. Thanks for all the support and pray for our continued growth.The Kornegay’s “ Dwayne and Shellia”