Arkansas Farm To Table
A 30 acre Transition Organic Farm in Scott, Arkansas. We raise Beefalo cattle, fruits and vegetables. We will also add to our little sustainable farm, meat goats, rabbit, turkey and chickens. Sorghum will be available in the fall.
We are also a CSA farm and are very active in educational opportunities. Our farm celebrates harvest with family style Farm to Table Dinners and gatherings. Scott Heritage Farm proposes to develop a one-acre Community Youth Garden on the 30-acre farm site adjacent to the historic Scott Plantation Settlement, 15 miles southeast of North Little Rock. A key goal of this community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, which completed its first growing season in 2011, is to conduct learning projects that engage school-age children, as well as adults, in the farm’s sustainable, organic farming practices. The farm is committed to promoting stewardship of the land and awareness of central Arkansas’ farming heritage.
Inherent in this experience are all of the realities of gardening, along with the particular challenges of natural farming methods. (Kids will smash a lot of bugs.) Volunteers learn perseverance. They are likely to experience some losses, but also the joy of a bountiful harvest.
Our Farmer is a pioneer in the State’s Agriculture. She worked with the USDA to be the first farmer/rancher in the State to sell meat at a farmers market. She began selling Beefalo at a local market in 2002 and continues today.
The educational experience at this farm is enhanced by the rich history of the Plantation Settlement, which is owned by the non-profit organization Scott Connections and showcases typical Arkansas plantation buildings, and the nearby Plantation Agriculture Museum, which is operated by Arkansas State Parks.