This section is a new feature for our market! It’s still in preview mode but we’d love to start collecting your recipes using local foods!


Recipes in Season (0)

Black Spanish Radish Remoulade

The most creative use of Black Spanish Radishes I’ve ever seen.

Source: Angela Gardner (Entered by Arkansas Local Food Network)
Serves: Um? Enough?

2 Black Spanish Radishes
3 tbsp Dijon-style Mustard
4 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp White Vinegar
1/4 cup Parsley, minced      View Available Products

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Coarsely grate the radishes.
  2. Rinse a large bowl with hot water, dry it, and in it whisk the mustard with 3 tablespoons hot water. Add the oil in a slow stream, whisking until the dressing is emulsified, and whisk in the vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Add the grated radish and the parsley and toss the mixture well.


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