The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other announcements about our organization. If you have any questions about this program, please email us at or call 501-396-9952.

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Market Reminder

Hey guys!

Quick reminder that the market closes tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon. Make sure you head over to the site and place your orders before then!

See you Saturday,

The Market Is Open!

Hello ALFN Members!

The market is open!

This week is my first time writing for the ALFN blog, and it’s making my transition into the Program & Market Manager position feels a little more real! Let me start off by saying how lucky I feel to be a part of this incredible community. Urban food systems are one of my passions, and I can’t think of a better way to fuel that passion and serve my neighbors than by working with ALFN. I’m excited to expand the network of producers and buyers and support all our Localvores.

I’ve already had the chance to meet many of you, and will hopefully start to learn names in the upcoming weeks (although I will confess that is a weak spot of mine, so please be patient as I say the wrong one a few times!). If you see a new face at market, chances are it’s probably mine, so feel free to say hi.

This week is also an exciting one because ALFN was featured in Soiree Magazine! Check out the link below to read the article, and please PLEASE share it on your social media pages. Let’s spread the word about what we’re doing!

Soiree Magazine

Again, thank you all for the warm welcome. I’m happy to be here doing this work. Now, if you’ll forgive me the pun…Let’s go grow!

Claire Hodgson
Program & Market Manager

Market Reminder

Good Morning ALFN Members!

Remember to finalize your orders before the "market" closes for the week today at noon.

Aside from pre-ordered turkeys, there are whole hogs, and rabbits available this week. Also, make sure you check out the fall harvest of apples, gourds and Elephant garlic available now!

Remember to schedule a slot for volunteering over the next few weeks. We have great coffee and great companions! Sign-up here: Volunteers


Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

Market Is Open!

ALFN Members,

Welcome to another week on the market full of amazing produce, fresh meats and hand-crafted products.

New Program & Market Manager

This past week, the board welcomed a new member into the ALFN community. Claire Hodgson will take over as the program manager at the end of this month. Yesterday, she was introducing herself to all of our members who came through the market. Truly, I’m excited to see how ALFN will continue to develop with Claire at the helm. She has a wheelbarrow full of ideas and passion that will benefit our local economy. Please extend a hearty welcome to Claire if you see her over the next few weeks.

I will continue to help and volunteer for various needs of ALFN, and I am excited to help with whatever ALFN projects come my way.

Voluteer Shifts

I would like to request renewed help for Saturday market volunteers. We had a fantastic team yesterday, but we’ve been a bit low over the last few weeks. If you haven’t tried volunteering for the market on Saturday, I would highly recommend you give it a try. The shifts are only two hours long starting with the Early Shift at 8:00 and the Late Shift at 10:00. Volunteers get to know more ALFN folks, drink good coffee, and earn credit towards the market ($5 credit per shift, or to monthly membership fee). Volunteers are an important part of what makes ALFN such a unique non-profit food hub. We can’t do it without you. Please sign up for weekends that work for you! Here is where you can sign up: Volunteers.

Thank you!!

Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

Volunteers Still Needed

We could still use a couple of volunteers for our Saturday market tomorrow. If you are able to be there, please sign up here: Volunteer.


Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

Volunteer Link

Here is the link for signing up to volunteer…Thanks!

Volunteer Sign-Up

Market Reminder

Good Morning ALFN Members,

Remember the market ordering function will turn off today at noon; make sure you get your order completed for all that goodness available!

We are in need of volunteers for Saturday. Please sign up at our Volunteer site. You can help out during the early or late shift or both shifts! For every shift you volunteer, you can earn $5 credit on the market or one month membership. It’s a great opportunity!

Take care,

Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

ALFN Market Open

Good Morning ALFN Members,

What a beautiful morning! We have new products on the market this week. With fall in front of us, summer preserved goods are ready for consumption such as peach preserves! There are a host of meat options and veggies choices. Make sure you check out the new products this week!

Speaking of Preserves…

If you are interested in learning how to preserve your own produce, make sure you check out the canning workshop this week! Here is the relevant information:

September 15, 2016 6-8pm: Fig & Jalapeno Preserves Canning Workshop — With summer coming to an end, The Root’s Angela Gardner will wrap up the last session with a course on preserves and a discussion on ways to make jams and jellies.

To purchase tickets ($35), please go to the Eventbrite site.

Have a great week!

Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

Volunteers Needed!

ALFN Members,

Good evening! We are still needing folks to fill our slots for volunteering this Saturday. For each shift you help, we can provide $5 of credit on the market or one month of membership!

Thanks for helping!

Volunteer Here

Market Reminder

Good Evening,

Remember to make your order on the market before Wednesday at noon when we close the market and send all existing orders to our growers!


We are in need of volunteers this weekend. We had a few volunteers who had to adjust their plans due to unexpected events, so I have six shifts open. Please help us out if you are free. Remember you get $5 credit on your account, or you get one month of membership! Please sign-up here: Volunteers.


Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager