The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other announcements about our organization. If you have any questions about this program, please email us at or call 501-396-9952.
Market Reminder
Good Morning ALFN Members,
Remember to finalize your order from the market before 12:00 today when I need to send all orders out to our growers.
Rattle’s Garden is back in egg production. Tara of Rattle’s notes, "Last week it was like a switch flipped in the chicken coop and the laying hens turned on! Lots of color! Varying shades of blue, green and pink along with the start of dark brown eggs being laid by our new Cuckoo Marans this year. Please enjoy our wonderful fresh eggs produced by our flock of pastured laying hens that rotate through our veggie fields in the winter and range on our hayfield during the summer. We think you will find them delightful. Check out our “mobile chicken coop:”
This Saturday is Community Market Day; we will have folks available to discuss the possible new chicken regulations in the city as well as discuss breed varieties. There may even be a few guest poultry there to express their fowl opinion of new regulations:)
We have two slots open to volunteer this Saturday. It’s always good to have new volunteers from our membership. If you haven’t volunteered, give it a try and earn some ALFN market credit! Sign up here: Volunteer Spot
Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager