The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other announcements about our organization. If you have any questions about this program, please email us at or call 501-396-9952.
Market Is Open!
The market is open. In case you missed it last week, L.C. Ratchford from Ratchford Farms is giving away T-shirts all month long, and each week one lucky customer will be selected to receive one! Be sure to check out his products on the market (we recommend the buffalo jerky – yum!).
Also, if you’ve been looking for some new sizzlingly food blogs to follow, then today’s blog post is for you! The ALFN board and staff compiled a list of their favorite food blogs, and I guarantee you’ll find at least one new one you’ll love!
Hope everyone had a great weekend, and go sports!
Claire Hodgson
Program & Market Manager